Navigation Chronology

A community-edited collection of navigation-related events throughout history. No claim is made regarding quality or accuracy. This is based on some original notes by Ed Popko.

Edit at will. Review earlier versions below. Note: at this time, no effort is made to prevent simultaneous editing. If you make edits, and they don't appear, please check one of the prior versions. You can always copy and paste later.

All versions (chrono.txt is current version):
chrono 29-Jun-18 04-35-56 AM 1614 Napier publishes first publishes logarithms.txt
chrono 28-Jun-18 07-04-23 AM Morse telegraph and USNO time signals.txt
chrono 24-Jun-18 12-59-18 PM Bygrave cylinder sight reduction calculator.txt
chrono 24-Jun-18 01-37-00 PM.txt
chrono 20-Jul-18 11-46-09 AM 1850 US adopts Greenwich Meridian for nautical purposes.txt