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    Re: Angular Distance Between Stars By Camera and Sextant
    From: Paul Hirose
    Date: 2012 Sep 17, 16:14 -0700

    Greg Rudzinski wrote:
    > The Vega Deneb distance was made at UT 2:25:00 9/16/2012 from Lat. 34* 10.4' N Lon. 119* 13.8' W
    > The Alioth Alkaid distance was made at UT 3:05:00 
    > Temp. 72* F
    > Pressure 29.99 in.
    My computations say:
      48°03.90' +82°47.50'  Vega unrefracted az el
      48°03.90' +82°47.62'  Vega refracted
      57°21.56' +59°03.90'  Deneb unrefracted az el
      57°21.56' +59°04.46'  Deneb refracted
    23°50.82' Vega to Deneb (unrefracted)
    23°50.37' Vega to Deneb (refracted)
    310°14.96' +34°06.86'  Alkaid unrefracted az el
    310°14.96' +34°08.24'  Alkaid refracted
    320°26.60' +28°18.99'  Alioth unrefracted az el
    320°26.60' +28°20.73'  Alioth refracted
    10°27.66' Alkaid to Alioth (unrefracted)
    10°27.34' Alkaid to Alioth (refracted)
    C# source code to compute those values is included (one file, 20 k). For 
    simplicity, the program does not interact with the user, except to 
    display the output. All input data are embedded in the source code. The 
    desired data are selected with preprocessor directives.
    The calculation is precise, with corrections for proper motion,
    parallax, radial velocity, aberration (including the diurnal component),
    light deflection due to the Sun's gravity, and refraction (including
    nonstandard pressure and temperature). In the source code are provisions
    to input polar motion and deflection of the vertical, but I've set those
    parameters to zero.
    Microsoft Visual Studio will compile and run the program. It should also
    run under the "Express" (free) version of Visual Studio, but I haven't
    tested that.
    The .NET Framework must be installed on your computer. Recent Windows 
    versions already have it. Otherwise, you can download it for free. 
    Finally, the .NET Framework version of my free SofaJpl astronomy DLL 
    must be installed.
    ��// SepAngle.cs
    // Windows .NET Framework console app to 
    calculate separation angle
    // between stars.
    // 2012 Sept 14 by Paul S. Hirose.
    // This source code is in the public domain.
    // To compile the program, the SofaJpl 
    fundamental astronomy DLL must be
    // installed on your system, and a 
    reference to SofaJpl added to the Visual
    // Studio project. To run the program, 
    the SofaJpl leap second file is needed.
    // It may be stored any convenient place. 
    The DLL and leap second file are
    // free at http://home.earthlink.net/~s543t-24dst/sofajplNet/index.html.
    using System;
    // The SofaJpl namespace is abbreviated 
    to "SJ" for convenience.
    using SJ = HirosePS.SofaJpl;
    namespace SepAngle
        class SepAngle
            static void Main(string[] args)
                // Load the leap second table.
                string leapSecFile = 
    @"G:\Documents and Settings\Hirose 
    limited\" +
                    @"My Documents\astro\iers\leapSecTable.txt";
                // date and time (UTC)
    #if true
                SJ.Utc utc = new 
    SJ.Utc(2012, 9, 16, 2, 25, 0.0);
                SJ.Utc utc = new 
    SJ.Utc(2012, 9, 16, 3, 5, 0.0);
                // Delta T, computed from 
    TT-TAI (always 32.184 s), TAI-UTC (35 s,
                // until next leap second), 
    and UT1-UTC.
                // All quantities from IERS 
    Bulletin A.
                SJ.Duration deltaT = new 
    SJ.Duration((32.184 + 35.0 - 0.38988)
                    / 86400.0);
                // TT and UT1
                SJ.JulianDate tt = utc.TerrestrialTime;
                SJ.JulianDate ut1 = tt - deltaT;
                // polar motion (radians)
                double xPole = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(0, 0, 0);
                double yPole = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(0, 0, 0);
                // Observer lat/lon 
    (radians) and height (meters)
                double lat = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(34, 10.4, 0);
                double lon = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(-119, 13.8, 0);
                double height = 0.0;
    observer =
    SJ.GeographicPosition(lat, lon, height);
                // deflection of the 
    vertical (radians)
                double xi = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(0, 0, 0);
                double eta = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(0, 0, 0);
                // altimeter setting 
    (millibars) and temperature (C)
                double mb = 29.99 * SJ.Atmosphere.MillibarsPerInchHg;
                double degC = (72.0 - 32.0) 
    / 1.8;
                // desired angle accuracy
                double accuracy = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(0, .01, 0);
                // Sexagesimal display 
    resolution. 1 = 1 degree, 60 = 1 minute,
                // 600 = .1 minute, etc.
                double resolution = 6000.0;
                // constants
                const double secsPerDay = 86400.0;
                const double daysPerJY = 365.25;
                const double kmPerAU = 1.495978707e8;
                // Epoch of the star catalog.
                SJ.JulianDate catalogEpoch 
    = SJ.JulianDate.J2000Base;
                // Catalog data, first star.
    #if true
                string star1Name = "Vega";
                double star1Ra = 
    SJ.Angle.HmsToRad(18, 36, 56.33635);
                double star1Dec = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(+38, 47, 01.2802);
                double star1Parallax = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(0, 0, 130.23 / 1000.0);
                double star1RaPM = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(0, 0, 200.94 / 1000.0)
                    / daysPerJY;
                double star1DecPM = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(0, 0, 286.23 / 1000.0)
                    / daysPerJY;
                double star1RadVel = -13.9 
    * secsPerDay / kmPerAU;
    #if false
                string star1Name = "Alkaid";
                double star1Ra = 
    SJ.Angle.HmsToRad(13, 47, 32.43776);
                double star1Dec = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(+49, 18, 47.7602);
                double star1Parallax = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(0, 0, 31.38 / 1000.0);
                double star1RaPM = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(0, 0, -121.17 / 1000.0)
                    / daysPerJY;
                double star1DecPM = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(0, 0, -14.91 / 1000.0)
                    / daysPerJY;
                double star1RadVel = -10.9 
    * secsPerDay / kmPerAU;
                // Second star.
    #if true
                string star2Name = "Deneb";
                double star2Ra = 
    SJ.Angle.HmsToRad(20, 41, 25.91514);
                double star2Dec = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(+45, 16, 49.2197);
                double star2Parallax = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(0, 0, 2.31
                    / 1000.0);
                double star2RaPM = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(0, 0, 2.01 / 1000.0)
                    / daysPerJY;
                double star2DecPM = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(0, 0, 1.85 / 1000.0)
                    / daysPerJY;
                double star2RadVel = -4.5 * 
    secsPerDay / kmPerAU;
    #if false
                string star2Name = "Alioth";
                double star2Ra = 
    SJ.Angle.HmsToRad(12, 54, 01.74959);
                double star2Dec = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(+55, 57, 35.3627);
                double star2Parallax = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(0, 0, 39.51 / 1000.0);
                double star2RaPM = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(0, 0, 111.91 / 1000.0)
                    / daysPerJY;
                double star2DecPM = 
    SJ.Angle.DmsToRad(0, 0, -8.24 / 1000.0)
                    / daysPerJY;
                double star2RadVel = -9.3 * 
    secsPerDay / kmPerAU;
                // Sources of Sun and Earth 
    position and velocity to correct for
                // relativistic light 
    deflection, parallax, aberration. The
                // accuracy of the JPL 
    ephemerides is not needed, so use the SOFA
                // low accuracy routines.
                SJ.SofaEphBody sun = new SJ.SofaEphBody(
                    SJ.Sofa.Body.Sun, accuracy);
                SJ.SofaEphBody earth = new SJ.SofaEphBody(
                    SJ.Sofa.Body.Earth, accuracy);
                // Create two Star objects.
                SJ.Star star1 = new 
    SJ.Star(catalogEpoch, star1Ra, star1Dec,
    star1RaPM, star1DecPM, star1RadVel, 
    sun, earth);
                SJ.Star star2 = new 
    SJ.Star(catalogEpoch, star2Ra, star2Dec,
    star2RaPM, star2DecPM, star2RadVel, 
    sun, earth);
                // Rotation matrix, GCRS to 
    the ITRS.
                SJ.RMatrix crsToTrs = 
    SJ.RMatrix.CrsToTrs06a(tt, ut1, xPole, yPole);
                // GCRS position and 
    velocity of observer.
                SJ.PVVector obsPV = observer.ToPVVector(crsToTrs);
                // GCRS vectors to the 
    topocentric apparent places of the stars.
                SJ.Vector body1Vec = 
    star1.TopocentricApparent(tt, obsPV);
                SJ.Vector body2Vec = 
    star2.TopocentricApparent(tt, obsPV);
                // Rotate the coordinate 
    system from the GCRS to the ITRS...
                body1Vec = crsToTrs * body1Vec;
                body2Vec = crsToTrs * body2Vec;
                // ... then from the ITRS 
    to the local horizontal.
                SJ.RMatrix trsToHor = 
    SJ.RMatrix.TrsToHor(lat, lon, xi, eta);
                body1Vec = trsToHor * body1Vec;
                body2Vec = trsToHor * body2Vec;
                // Convert coords from 
    vector to spherical.
                SJ.Spherical sph1Unref = 
    new SJ.Spherical(body1Vec);
                SJ.Spherical sph2Unref = 
    new SJ.Spherical(body2Vec);
                // Create an Atmosphere 
    object, use it to refract the 
    altitudes to
                // the specified accuracy.
                SJ.Atmosphere atmos = new 
    SJ.Atmosphere(height, mb, degC);
                double alt1Ref = 
    atmos.Refract(sph1Unref.Alt, accuracy);
                double alt2Ref = 
    atmos.Refract(sph2Unref.Alt, accuracy);
                // Re-assemble the 
    refracted coordinates into new 
    Spherical objects.
                // The "Theta" property 
    must be used because azimuth doesn't obey
                // the usual conventions 
    for spherical coordinates.
                SJ.Spherical sph1Ref = new 
    SJ.Spherical(sph1Unref.Theta, alt1Ref);
                SJ.Spherical sph2Ref = new 
    SJ.Spherical(sph2Unref.Theta, alt2Ref);
                // Display unrefracted and 
    refracted az/alt.
                Console.WriteLine("{0}  {1} 
    unrefracted az alt",
    resolution), star1Name);
                Console.WriteLine("{0}  {1} 
    refracted az alt",
    resolution), star1Name);
    {1} unrefracted az alt",
    resolution), star2Name);
                Console.WriteLine("{0}  {1} 
    refracted az alt",
    resolution), star2Name);
                // Display unrefracted and 
    refracted separation angles.
    {1} to {2} (unrefracted)",
    sepAngleString(sph1Unref, sph2Unref, resolution),
                    star1Name, star2Name);
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} 
    to {2} (refracted)\n",
    sph2Ref, resolution),
                    star1Name, star2Name);
            // Convert a Spherical object 
    to sexagesimal az and alt in a
            // string with specified resolution.
            static string 
    azAltString(SJ.Spherical sph, double resolution)
                double az = SJ.Angle.RadiansToDegrees(sph.Az);
                double alt = SJ.Angle.RadiansToDegrees(sph.El);
                SJ.Sexagesimal azSex = new 
    SJ.Sexagesimal(az, resolution);
                SJ.Sexagesimal altSex = new 
    SJ.Sexagesimal(alt, resolution);
    String.Format("{0:3b�2 3 } {1:+2b�2 3 }", 
    azSex, altSex);
            // Compute separation angle 
    between two Spherical objects, convert to
            // string in sexagesimal format 
    with specified resolution.
            static string 
    sepAngleString(SJ.Spherical sph1, 
    SJ.Spherical sph2,
                double resolution)
                // separation angle
                double separation = sph1.SeparationAngle(sph2);
                separation = SJ.Angle.RadiansToDegrees(separation);
                // Convert degrees to 
    sexagesimal and display.
    separationSex =
    SJ.Sexagesimal(separation, resolution);
                return string.Format("{0:b�2 
    3 }", separationSex);

    File: 120641.sepangle.cs
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