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    Astra box & other wood instrument box FS
    From: Tom Mackie
    Date: 2018 Apr 30, 18:27 -0700

    Hi list,

    I have an Astra III sextant box in new condition available.  During a training cruise a sextant was observed flying over the side into the deep as the celestial professor yelled "a sextant without a box is useless".  The story has it that he found a sextant unaccompanied on deck as a cadet worked his sight reduction. If you have an Astra and need a box drop me a line.....actually this isn't the box from that story...but it's a good story.

    I also have another instrument box of some type thats about the same size as a sextant box but was for some other type of instrument.  Its in average shape.  If you need a project box this may be useful.  

    Located in RI.  Trades for useless vacuum tube radios or morse keys considered.

    w2ila at cox.net


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