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    Cessna CN Summary
    From: Greg Rudzinski
    Date: 2010 Jan 13, 09:41 -0800

    Three Flights Completed

    Five Sun observations performed using a two minute averager
    ( Intercepts of 2A, 3A, 8A, 10A, 18A )

    Six individual observations performed with four consecutively averaged.
    ( Average of four 9A, Individual from back seat 22T, Individual from front seat 19T )

    First Impression- The Bubble moves a great deal even though the plane seems to be level and steady. This was most apparent when the horizon prism was flipped in on the MK 5 where the bubble movement could be seen relative to the horizon. In spite of this reasonable accuracy was still obtained. Clearly there would have been no problem finding an island such as Anacapa (6NM long) with or without an averager but given the choice I would go with the averager.

    Greg Rudzinski

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