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    Re: Degree Calculator
    From: Bob Goethe
    Date: 2018 Nov 27, 10:48 -0800

    I have gone a bit deeper into the Degree Calculator app for Android, and found that I can paste equations into the equation portion of the display.  Long-tap and release on that portion of the screen.

    I should be able to build a library of functions, maybe in MS Word for Andoid, then copy-and-paste them into Degree Calculator as required.

    This is not as versatile as a regular programmable calculator that can save complex routines, of course.  But for a cellphone, it is a step up from anything I have been able to do before outside of Excel.

    Thanks for the recommendation about RealCalc, Sean.  I had only the free version - which does not display the <° ' "> button.  I didn't realize it was an option.  It was well worth $3.50 to get the Pro version of RealCalc.


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