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    Interesting Astra III with extras
    From: Mark Coady
    Date: 2019 Nov 18, 04:48 -0800

    Been away from the group for awhile after months of 50-60 hour work weeks, some family medical issues, etc.  Man I am tired...... I had key help move away at a time got super busy.  Hopefully back to more normal.  

    Anyway:   I was in marine consignment mystic yesterday and spotted a familiar looking sextant for sale with some unfamiliar parts.  Curious if anyone had any comment on the benefits or efficiency of such things.  It appears to have a full horizon mirror with prism level device and a different scope at first glance.  It appears to work by confirming your frame is perpendicular to the horizon.  So far all I do is rock the sextant back and forth.  Seems to work fine.  Does anyone use one...does it add accuracy... does it add any useful...? Just curious... Never seen one until now. 

    I have both mirrors for my IIIb, but personally like the split better. 


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