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    Re: Kollsman's Azimuth Counter and TH Bearings Relationship
    From: David Pike
    Date: 2022 Apr 20, 12:05 -0700

    I wrote:  Please can someone supply a close-up photograph of the azimuth setting counters and crank of a genuine USAF Kollsman sextant mounting to compare with the RAF version.  Any additional section or panel in one of them might indicate the presence of one more or one less idler in the cranking gearbox. 

    Forget the above request.  I found photos on Google.  There’s no difference in the castings for both ‘azimuth on the counters’ and ‘heading on the counters’ mountings.  However, after much thought and experimentation I realise I’m an idiot.  All you need is a regular marked azimuth disc for an ‘azimuth on the counters’ mounting to work satisfactorily, and an anticlockwise marked disc for a ‘heading on the counters’ mounting to work satisfactorily.  I attached two photos to prove it.  One of my RAF mounting and one of Gary’s mounting which I pinched from NavList. The very dark photo is of Gary's mount. DaveP



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