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    Re: A Lunar Example: Sun and Moon vertically aligned
    From: Sean C
    Date: 2017 Dec 23, 05:47 -0800

    I made the attached spreadsheet in an attempt to illustrate various Sun-Moon lunar scenarios "on the fly". It uses the formulae from Frank's "Easy Lunars" page*. The "apparent LD" is a bit of a kludge ... in fact, the whole thing may be rife with errors. As I've stated before: I'm no mathematician, so I'm just "winging it". But it seems to work pretty well most of the time. I hope you all can find the time to try it out and let me know how I can improve it.

    I use a 40" T.V. as a monitor, so apologies in advance if it doesn't fit well on most computer screens. You can always adjust the zoom level ("view" tab up top), but that may make it too small to view comfortably. Most of the calculations take place in cells A45 to I53 below the sliders. I simply changed the font color to white to hide them. Just highlight those cells and change the font back to black to make them visible again.

    Simple instructions for use are above the chart in the double bordered white box. Everything in the grey boxes is calculated automatically. I must also apologize to those of you in the southern hemisphere - the sheet isn't set up to optimally display those cases. Perhaps I'll figure out a way to do that soon.


    Sean C.

    *As such, I imagine it is prone to the same errors quoted in Frank's instructions.


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