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    Re: Noonsite using artificial horizon? Did I do it correctly?
    From: Henry Halboth
    Date: 2014 Aug 27, 23:56 -0400

    i can assure you there is a book out there witten just for you. My library includes at least 50 texts on celestial navigation and I have found it necessary to refer to at least three to get a clear picture on any particular subject. The simplest text IMHO is Mixter's Primer of Navigation, which I believe is still.In print. Bowditch should be used only as a reference book by the beginner. Some years ago  we had somebody on this List who spoke just as you do now - I cannot help but wonder ????

    Good luck,


    On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 4:26 PM, Samuel L <NoReply_SamuelL@fer3.com> wrote:


    I'm going to need the "good luck".

    I'm more practical than analytical and any amount of theory or mathmatical complexity leads only to confusion. I understand things only when given clear instructions that assume nothing (to an extent).

    I've looked at way too much stuff on the web on how to "easily" get a noon sight. The writers typically make too many assumptions of their reader's ability and skill in math.

    I do have William Buckley's video on Simplied Celestial Navigation and can work through a regular Sun sight with no problem.

    I have a book, also, by Warren Norville (Celestial Navigation- step by step) which should never have been written. It has errors in time and many other parts. Telling me to go read "Bowditch" for example (I know you didn't) is like telling me to listen to a speach in Latin.

    My math background is simple- I flunked High school math entirely until I was put in with the dummies and got to do complex problems like 23+55. I usually, not always, got them right! And, whenever I read in a book about CE, "remembering back to your high school trigonometry class"...I usually roar with laughter.

    I'll figure it out eventually.....somehow. I really love this stuff.



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