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    Plotting sheets vs paperless
    From: Joe Suligoy
    Date: 2019 Dec 21, 20:54 -0800

    Hi all, 

    Been reading the recent discussions on methods of creating UPSs.  I was wondering if I'm the only guy who just uses the plotting utilities in Google Earth to plot practice shots? 

    Sure, it's not practically useful in the "real world" where we're assuming celestial is being used because we've lost GPS and/or all electronics.  It's certainly no replacement for being able to use a plotting sheet.  But, as a convenient and paperless method of plotting and later trend analysis, I love it.  I organize my saved LOPs into a folder structure in my GE sidebar, and I can toggle visibility as desired.  I can toggle on a year's worth of sightings right now, and eyeball the geographic center... which happens to be my backyard, so I guess it works ;).

    Just another idea, if anyone hadn't considered it.  

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