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    Re: Polar navigation
    From: Gary LaPook
    Date: 2009 Oct 19, 01:30 +0200

    There were also the "Ellsworth Tables" that provided corrections to the 
    straight line LOPs so that the pole could be used for a greater 
    distance. These tables are similar to the correction tables found in 
    H.O. 229. They were developed by Lincoln Ellsworth who first tried 
    navigating over the North Pole in 1925. See 
    about this harrowing adventure.
    bmorris@tactronics.com wrote:
    > Hi Peter
    > >From Dutton's Navigation and Piloting, 1972.  Article 4213
    > "One special method of plotting lines of position is available only in polar 
    regions. Byt this method the pole is used as the AP ...  This method was 
    first suggested at least as early as 1892, but there is no evidence of its 
    having been used until some 30 years later. In the early days of air 
    exploration in polar regions the method was quite popular, but with the 
    develpoment of modern tabular methods, it has fallen into disuse, except 
    within 2 degrees of the pole."
    > Dutton goes on to state that the method will be accurate for meridian 
    alititudes at any latitude, as a special case.
    > Dutton gives about 20 pages to special techniques used in the polar regions.  
    > Hope this helps!
    > Best Regards
    > Brad
    > >
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