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    Re: Puzzling Sun sights yesterday
    From: Bill B
    Date: 2015 Sep 1, 17:52 -0400

    On 8/30/2015 11:37 PM, Frank Reed wrote:
    > These are all great ideas and suggestions, folks! Please keep them
    > coming, and I will tell you my version of puzzling this out tomorrow.
    Looking at the NA, declination is changing by 21!6 per day. Looking at
    your intercepts and treating -0.6 as a outlier, it looks like your
    personal equation that day put your intercepts a wee bit on the high
    side. The average of your your mystery intercepts is 23!7 with a SD of
    0.58.  A bit of a stretch given your typically excellent performance
    from 21!6 to 23.7 but consider the other evidence.
    On 30 August you stated a resolution to your cliff hanger would be
    posted "tomorrow." August 31 has come and gone and I am still dangling
    at cliff's edge by my fingernails, proving you can be off by a day.
    Mystery solved--mostly ;-)

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