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    ReedNavigation.com: Spring 2022 online workshops
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2022 Feb 26, 11:41 -0800

    It's time again for online celestial navigation workshops. After an unfortunate problem here last Fall, I am finally able to offer my online celestial navigation workshops this Spring. For established NavList members (anyone who is a registered member by 1 March 2022), use discount code NX8767 to get a $25 discount off each workshop. Standard rate is $174 per person, per class; discounted rate is $149. This code has been changed since last Fall. As an incentive to sign up early, use code NX8768 for an extra $10 discount if applied by March 15. I will post reminders.

    First up is "Celestial Navigation in the Age of Sail" beginning on the last day of April, followed a week later by "Lunars: Finding Longitude by Lunar Distances". Then the week after that "Modern Celestial ONE: Sextants & Sun Sights", and rounding out the month of May, "Modern Celestial TWO: Position Fixes & Star Sights". Every workshop has two sessions. The Atlantic session runs on Saturday and Sunday starting at 10:00am Eastern US time (1400 UT) and is designed to be convenient for attendees in longitudes on either side of the Atlantic. The Pacific session of each workshop runs on the following Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday starting at 6:00pm Eastern US time (2200 UT) and is intended to be more convenient for attendees further west (Pacific Rim and islands). While both Atlantic and Pacific sessions are live and in some ways unique, they cover the same content with the same total number of hours. You're also welcome to attend both Atlantic and Pacific sessions for any single workshop in the same week.

    If you've attended any one of my workshops previously, you can repeat that same workshop as many times as you wish for a modest "seat fee". If you have attended any ReedNavigation.com workshop or class at the standard rate since 1 Jan 2019, either in-person or online, you may repeat that class, when scheduled online, for only $19.95. Contact me, Frank@ReedNavigation.com, if you want to sign up for a repeat.

    Finally, while my institutional partners are not quite ready for on-site classes, I am hoping that they will start again this Fall. Online workshops will continue seasonally regardless.

    Frank Reed
    Clockwork Mapping / ReedNavigation.com
    Conanicut Island USA


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