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    Re: Star to Star Distances taken on a Second Hand Sextant
    From: David Pike
    Date: 2019 Dec 7, 13:32 -0800

    Why bother to wear a hair shirt when you can do spherical trig instead?  I thought I ought to check that the inter star angles quoted in Bauer’s book hadn’t changed significantly since the second edition was printed.  They’ve changed very little; 0.1 minutes in the case of Deneb-Vega, and 0.2 minutes in the case of Betelgeuse-Pollux.  Therefore, for a very rough check, you can still use the values in the second edition of Bauer’s book, not forgetting of course what’s already been said about refraction.  Upon checking our notebook, I see we did in fact record the times we took readings on each pair as 19.44 and 20.18. DaveP


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