A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: 1822 1st ed American Lunarian
From: Henry Halboth
Date: 2016 Jan 7, 22:56 -0500
From: Henry Halboth
Date: 2016 Jan 7, 22:56 -0500
I donated my copy of the American Practical Lunarian and Seaman's guide to the Duke University Library several years, At that time it was also available as a free download from on the internet and I fortunately burned a copy to disk for my records. A quick check of this website shows it to be apparently no longer available, but lo and behold a check of demonstrates a reprint to be available at a hefty price. I have found this to be true of several old works of interest to me and feel it is probably now possible to download, reprint and recopyright some of these older works - with the modern technology available today, a new cottage industry has apparently sprung up. Oh well, I took a rather healthy tax deduction for my donation, and still have a copy of the book. Actually, Tom Arnold was one of the lesser lights of the lunar era and his work never actually took off, although there is much otherwise of interest in this book.