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    Re: 18th Century Ship
    From: Bill Lionheart
    Date: 2016 May 31, 22:37 +0100

    Perhaps this book
    or contact the author who is the archivist of Port Rush lifeboat
    station. All the RNLI lifeboat stations I have visited complete lists
    of ships saved and of their own members who were lost on duty.
    Bill Lionheart
    On 31 May 2016 at 22:28, Don Seltzer  wrote:
    > I inquired on another list and the legendary John Harland offered the
    > following:
    > In 1863, The MacDuff schooner ‘Providence’ was on route from Troon to
    > Portrush with a cargo of coal, as she came by Bengore the wind came up from
    > the west, which was dead ahead. She managed to get up to the Skerries but
    > could not get right up into the sheltered deeper water and stood off the
    > White Rocks. She dropped her two anchors, unfortunately the wind veered to
    > the north-west and dragged her anchors and grounded her in the breakers of
    > the Strand. Being in the breakers she broke up and her crew washed off,
    > three were drowned.
    > Two boats came out from the shore to give assistance, one with a crew of
    > fishermen and the other of coastguardsmen – -they also got into difficulties
    > with the loss of two fishermen, David Martin and John Hammond, Jack Winters
    > of the coastguard also lost his life in the other boat.
    > Don Seltzer
    > On May 31, 2016, at 3:53 PM, Michael Martin  wrote:
    > Would any one know of a site where I might be find any record of a Ship that
    > down approximately in the 1830's off Port Rush, Northern Ireland. One of my
    > relatives was a member of the Life Boat Service out of Port Rush.
    > He perished endeavoring to victims of this tragedy. Any help would be
    > greatly appreciated.
    > I've been searching for years with no luck
    > Thank-You
    > Michael G. Martin
    Professor of Applied Mathematics

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