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    Re: 1947 Navigation lesson shipboard
    From: Geoffrey Kolbe
    Date: 2016 Aug 7, 07:20 +0100

    On 6 August 2016 at 14:23, Ed Popko <NoReply_EdPopko@fer3.com> wrote:

    Im not a sextant expert at all but I'll take some guesses.
    My first guess is it's a Simex. A second guess is Scientific Instruments.

    ​Well, the photo is attested to have been taken in 1947. Simex sexta​nts started being produced in 1971 and Scientific Instruments of Milwaukee was founded in 1958. 

    Henry Halboth, on the other hand, is quite remarkable in that he was navigating ships around the world 70 years ago and more! His comments from that era are a wonderful treasure. An i-carton of cigarettes was 10 packs of 20 cigarettes each, which gives an interesting insight of the value of fine instruments like this in war ravaged Germany just after the WWII.

    Geoffrey Kolbe
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