A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
2102D improvements
From: Philippe Posth
Date: 2021 May 13, 01:50 -0700
From: Philippe Posth
Date: 2021 May 13, 01:50 -0700
I tried to upgrade my StarFinder 2102D to make it easier to use. I present these small improvements to you to know your opinion and perhaps your criticisms:
(1): Right ascension scale in hours. To facilitate the search for or the placement of celestial bodies;
(2): Tropics (cancer and capricorn). To easily see which stars I can use with the HO249 Vol. 2 and 3.
(3): Ecliptic. To represent the path of the planets (and of the sun and the moon).
I am very interested in your opinion to see if my "improvements" have some drawbacks that I would not have thought of. Thank you in advance.