A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: 3 sights SR example
From: Andrés Ruiz
Date: 2017 Jul 3, 12:03 +0200
From: Andrés Ruiz
Date: 2017 Jul 3, 12:03 +0200
The problem: an outside fix example, see "CelNav.bisectors.pdf"
- Solution with No errors
- Introducing a systematic error in Ho
- Wrong solution and Fix by bisectors
In celestial navigation, the bisector of the azimuths of two Marcq Saint Hilaire LoPs ia a true line of position that cancels out systematic errors.
The bisector of the azimuths of two celestial LoPs is tangent to the spherical hyperbola associated with these two lines.
The azimuth of the bisector is:
Zb = Z1 + (Z2-Z1)/2 = (Z1+Z2)/2
and is plotted on each of the intersections of a pair of MSH LoPs.