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    Re: 3 sights SR example
    From: Stan K
    Date: 2017 Jun 23, 14:13 -0400

    Maybe I'm missing something, but I do not see why you provided the date, bodies, and even the exact times, for this question.

    Anyway, I converted the decimal degrees to minutes and rounded the minutes to tenths.  Then I plugged the values into Celestial Tools, using the Law of Cosines.  The result was (assuming I entered everything correctly):
    Fix L = 10º53.7'S
    Fix Lo = 178º54.4'E
    Fix is 35.5 nautical miles fro DR, at a bearing of 042º true.

    Celestial Tools uses the method on page 282 of the Nautical Almanac to determine the fix.

    If this is significantly wrong, I will need to troubleshoot Celestial Tools.


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Andrés Ruiz <NoReply_AndresRuiz@fer3.com>
    To: slk1000 <slk1000@aol.com>
    Sent: Fri, Jun 23, 2017 12:54 pm
    Subject: [NavList] 3 sights SR example

    DR 20/02/1990 06:42:34 UT
    11º 20.0' S
    178º 30.0' E

    SOG = 0

    3 sights:

    Date UT Star GHA Dec Ho
    20/02/1990 06:39:15 Sirius 148.5701201 -16.70358745 57.97742057
    20/02/1990 06:40:54 Capella 171.1717579 45.99316887 32.4679352
    20/02/1990 06:42:34 Pollux 134.3985921 28.05125701 30.29880443

    Fix at 06:42:34 UT?

    please send your solution, and the used method.

    Andrés Ruiz
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