A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: David C
Date: 2016 Jul 25, 16:24 -0700
I reworked the time sight and discovered that I had interpolated the log cos table incorrectly. I had added the difference rather than subtracting it. The correct esults are
Norie t = 17° 33.7'
Cloudy Weather t = 17° 35'
I have attached a scan of the Cloudy log cos table. Note that the characteristic has values from 1 to 5. I assume that these are bar 1 to bar 5 although it does not state this specifically. I am sure I have read somewhere that mariners did not like/understand the bar notation. Other tables I have use the +10 notation (OTTOMH I cannot remember what it is called). Maybe someone could comment on this?
I have also attached a photo of AC Johnson showing what a fine Victorian gentleman he was. His side-burns do not show very clearly in the scan.