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    Re: $5 celestial navigation books at your library
    From: Doug Faunt
    Date: 2021 Sep 4, 17:53 -0700
    That's theft, and chances are the fine is high, since too many people have done that scam.

    On Sat, Sep 4, 2021, 17:03 Frederick Curtis <NoReply_Curtis@fer3.com> wrote:

    Stu, you also can tell them you lost the book, and pay their nominal "replacement cost" which will probably be the original cost of the book in what 1964.  

    Coincidentally I obtained an original copy of H.O. 208 through EBay within the last few years, check there ocastionally.  I'm bummed that I can't find old navigation books in my local used book stores anymore.  Apparently all the men that had to learn to be ships officers during WWII have divested themselves of their left over texts.  When I moved to Florda in the early 1990's, where they many of them had seemingly retired, I discovered many great finds in the used book stores and the late Donald Pegg lived only a few miles away.  At that time his wife was making him "clean all this out of the house". Once I spoke with him on the phone and the Mrs., in the background,  did not seem happy with him talking navigation with anyone anymore.  

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