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    $5 celestial navigation books at your library
    From: Stuart T
    Date: 2021 Sep 4, 05:33 -0700

    Recently I was looking for a copy of "Self-contained celestial navigation with H.O 208" and the cheapest copy I could find was $120 on Amazon which was a little pricey.

    I stopped at my local library and put in a request for a inter libary loan. Basically for $5.00 and a simple paper form, I was able to request the book and have it sent to my library. I just picked it up yesterday and look forward to reading it. They gave me until Dec 15th, 2021 to return it. I guess there are not a lot of requests for that book.

    So if you are looking for rare or expensive navigation books, it might be worth checking out your local library and the inter library loan program. The cost (if any) and process may differ than mine. It really depends on your local library.

    *My grandmother, who was a libarian all her would life would approve of this post. lol

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