A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Noell Wilson
Date: 2021 Dec 15, 09:27 -0800
Hi David,
There have been multiple discussions about the “C” size battery compartments in older sextants being too small for new batteries. I found that with my A-12.
The summary of a recent series of discussions is at
With an eBay seller that will 3D print a slightly undersize AA to C adapter to order.
I used them in my A-12 and A-8.
Please note the recent cautions about A-12 corrosion. The two battery holders are very thin bare aluminum in bare aluminum holes. It’s easy to destroy the holders if they are stuck.
In your search, also look for an A-11. It’s a stripped down version of the A-12 used for single sight training. No sight averaging mechanism, no gear train, no adjustable bubble mounting, and no scale lighting. Really simple.
Regards, Noell