A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
A-12 sextant smell
From: Herman Dekker
Date: 2016 Sep 16, 08:34 -0700
From: Herman Dekker
Date: 2016 Sep 16, 08:34 -0700
I have two A-12 sextants with the same problem, if you open the case there is a strange unpleasant odor.
If I have used the sextant, the left hand thats holding the sextant, holds the same odor
I have to wash my hands, to get rid off the odor.
Who knows what causes this odor, or better how to remove this odor?
Use one other (new) box for store the sextant, after cleaning the sextant with ?????