A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Gary LaPook
Date: 2021 Jul 4, 22:29 -0700
I tried an example with a 75 degrees on longitude difference and it didn't work. On closer examination I think the 75 degree label is a witness mark for the 75 degree midlatitude arrow on the midlatitude index arm. So the computer is limited to 50 degrees of longitude difference.
n the distance side, the only scale on the transparent disk is the longitude distance family of curves with the zero "index arrow" that you align with the latitude differnce scale which is printed on the base, white, disk, alongside with the dstance scale on the white base disk. Interestingly, the longitude difference scale has curves from zero to 50 degrees with one lone point at 75 degrees to the right of the index arrow. (I shall have to try an example with that one.)