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    [ADMIN] Outage at 3pm US Eastern time today
    From: Frank Reed
    Date: 2025 Jan 10, 08:07 -0800

    Our hosting provider is performing a little server maintenance this afternoon starting at noon US Pacific time, which is 3pm US Eastern time or 2000 UT. I recommend that you avoid trying to send NavList messages or post them through the web interface from 1955 to 2010 UT (five minutes before the scheduled maintenance to ten minutes after).

    You might think that it wouldn't be necessary for me to tell you to avoid posting through the web interface since the website would be down. But there's a catch. Here's the scenario: you pop onto navlist.net at 2:50. It loads fine. You decide to reply to a recent message, and you start typing. You compose your words carefully. It's now 2:55. Oooo, time for a snack! You grab a cookie and a cup of coffee, pet the cat, pet the dog, and then at 3:00 you add a few more sentences and check your spelling. All good! So at 3:05 you hit "Send NavList message" and get an error message. Your message can't be sent.  See what happened? The website was up and running when you started. Then while you were petting the cat and dog, the website went down for maintenance. But there's no visible hint of that. There's nothing that forces websites to announce that you're offline (some do check, but it's not a "normal" thing).

    Anyway, please expect a brief outage. No big deal. I will let try to let you know if there are any after-shocks from this...

    Frank Reed

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