A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Frank Reed
Date: 2023 Apr 27, 20:40 -0700
Please update your address books. The website for the NavList message boards, which has been living on since 2006, has now moved to But Don't Panic. The former addresses and links will continue to work. Most everything is switched and aliased already. Some links will be converted in upcoming weeks. And like, is owned and operated by me. It's safe. :)
If you receive NavList emails, either individual messages or daily digests, you'll notice that these emails now broadcast normally from If you choose to reply to those messages directly, be sure to reply to that address. As always, I strongly encourage you to visit the message boards directly. It's faster and more reliable. But if you prefer email interaction, be sure to add "" to your approved domains, your "whitelist", or whatever "good sender" your email system recognizes. And like I say, Don't Panic. This is all quite harmless. Mostly harmless.
Frank Reed
Clockwork Mapping /
Conanicut Island USA