A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Igor S.
Date: 2021 May 19, 16:00 -0700
Hello, Igor!
I am realy happy that someone else have experimented with this AH “design”. I have checked many times: these small waves does not afect Sun’s image quality, because food film is very, very thin (of course, film shuld not be loose; in your pictures it looks like that the film could be streched more on the lower ends of the curved surface. The waves on the top, where the film is tensioned, are OK. I have examined it for hundreds of times ). But your position results show that everything works perfect. I can achieve average accuracy of position lines 0.1-0.2 minutes of arc (my sextant: soviet SNO-M; what is your sextant model?).
The only disadvantage in your design is that you have to take off the film to access the basin. It would be more convenient to make a hole in the bottom plate.