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    Re: Air Navigation Began With Concrete Arrows, by Robert Novell
    From: Doug Faunt
    Date: 2022 Jan 1, 10:11 -0800
    Apparently there's 3, one of which only vague remnants, under the currently defunct Oakland city stables (I wish I'd known back when we were picking up muck for the garden).
    Best, Doug

    On Sat, Jan 1, 2022, 09:48 Bill Ritchie <NoReply_Ritchie@fer3.com> wrote:
    My father told me an interesting story about air navigation arrows. He was involved in a WW2 project in the UK producing petrol (and gas) from coal. At one stage he received an order from Whitehall to paint an arrow of specified size, pointing North, on the top of a specific gas holder, to assist with air navigation. He related an interesting telephone dialogue with the official when he informed him that gas holders rotate as they are filled!

    Bill Ritchie

    On Fri, Dec 31, 2021 at 4:16 PM Doug Faunt <NoReply_DougFaunt@fer3.com> wrote:

    There's one in the hills just east of here in Oakland, California, that's easy to visit.

    And there's a website with listings, photos and locations, that's probably easy to find.

    Best, doug

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