A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Frank Reed
Date: 2017 Mar 5, 10:21 -0800
While Wayne was observing from my secondary recommended location, I and another student from this weekend's class, Paul M, as well as a highly experienced occultation observer (from Massachusetts who drove down thanks to my suggestion on Sky & Telescope's website) all watched from the parking lot by the movie theater in South Kingstown, Rhode Island. Lots of fun. Saw Aldebaran blink out and then back with my own eyes via binoculars. For the remaining minute of the event, I watched on the video screen attached to our guest's telescope which removed my shivering hands from the equation. We saw several more clear vanishings and re-appearances. Very cool and lots of fun! My thanks to orbital mechanics for arranging the occultation graze zone so close to my backyard.
For folks interested in treating this as a lunar, my lunar clearing web app is not designed for occultations. It's question of sensitivity to individual altitudes versus sensitivity to the difference in altitudes.
We just took noon Sun sights at Stonington Point, by the way, and I am waiting for the class to return from lunch break. Oh here are several of them now!
Frank Reed