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    Altitude and Azimuth in 3 minutes (by Prof. Akhmatov V.V., 1936)
    From: Tony Oz
    Date: 2019 Oct 21, 02:12 -0700


    Elsewhere I was introduced to a Russian publication (from 1936) named "The Altitude and Azimuth in 3 minutes" by Prof. Akhmatov V.V.

    Essentially it boils down to a set of tables helping to use the following formulas:

    • hav(z) = hav(φ - δ) + cos(φ) · cos(δ) · hav(t)
    • sin(Z) = cos(δ) · sec(90° - z) · sin(t)


    • z - the zenith distance
    • δ - declination
    • φ - latitude
    • t - local hour angle
    • Z - azimuth angle

    All the multiplications are handled by logarithms, the resulting azimuth comes out in the "quadrant" notation. The more convenient 0°...180° E/W azimuth angle range is also possible by a longer computation.

    Though the book's title is similar to some "This and Other for Dummies" is it said to be the processed compilation of the best available (to the date) foreign methods of sight reduction. I wonder who's works were the donors?

    I did try that set of tables - obviously it took longer than 3 minutes, may be because it needs some practice to master. The all-Haversine Doniol is significantly easier (to my liking).

    Warm regards,
    60°N 30°E

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