A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Carl Herzog
Date: 2014 May 24, 04:49 -0700
It never would have occurred to me to think this might be fake. Incidents like this (and these days, the videos of them)are more common than many people might imagine, and there is nothing particularly extraordinary about this one.
This is a pretty small ship slamming into a very bold shoreline at very high speed. He literally hit a wall. If other grounding videos you've seen seem less abrupt, it's only because the ship is usually riding up the slope of the shoreline. Collisions can also seem less abrupt if one or both of the colliding vessels/objects collapses or otherwise gives way.
Search youtube or gcaptain (the blog from which Frank originally posted the link) for "aground" or "runs aground", and you likely find plenty of other examples.
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