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    Re: Angular separation v. azimuth separation
    From: Antoine Couëtte
    Date: 2017 Sep 24, 12:57 -0700

    Hello Frank, hello to all,

    Since my earlier reply some 24 hours ago or so did not get through (although I did not notice "Thank you, your message has been sent”), I will cover it again briefly.

    If you are around equatorial regions, the azimuths between the Sun and Venus can reach 180° if you are just in between these Bodies. Therefore their apparent angular separation in Azimuth is totally different from their geocentric angular separation.

    If you are next to the poles, the azimuths between both bodies can reach zero for sure - as anywhere on Earth - but they cannot significantly exceed their angular geocentric separation.

    I would therefore think that the quoted advice is reasonably right at high North and South latitudes, but certainly not between the tropics.

    My best Guess, if I understand your question correctly,



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