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From: Frank Reed
Date: 2017 Jul 10, 11:25 -0700
A fun puzzle. I estimate the photographer was just about 2000 meters from the tower on the Tor. It's a popular subject. If you Google "Glastonbury full moon" you'll find quite a few similar photos. This particular photo was taken by Paul Silvers. You can see many of his other photos at his twitter feed here. Another of his photos taken maybe ten minutes later also appeared yesterday as a photo of the day on the Telegraph website. Copies of the photo from the front page of the Times and the photo from the Telegraph website are attached below, along with a map showing a possible location and the view from the side of the road near there.
Note that the angular diameter of the Moon at this time was around 29.6'. That sets the scale for the image. Then given the usual ratio for minutes of arc,
(angle in m.o.a.)/3438 = (object size)/(object distance),
the distance follows easily. The azimuth of the Moon at the time is around 125°.
Finally... Oh how annoying it is to see that both of these UK news sources are repeating the goofy full moon names that have become popular in the past twenty years.