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    Re: Another round on the fate of Amelia Earhart in today's news
    From: Don Seltzer
    Date: 2017 Jul 7, 09:21 -0400
    Near the beginning of the clip, the photo is stated to be from the 1930's.  This is pure conjecture; the photo is undated.  Another news source claims to have investigated this photo lead a year ago, and rejected it because the photo was archived with others in an envelope marked '1940's'.

    BTW, is the 'Fred Noonan' figure wearing a necktie in this photo?

    Don Seltzer

    On Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 11:03 PM, David C <NoReply_DavidC@fer3.com> wrote:

    I have just heard a brief BBC item on local radio which discusses the latest Earhart search. The recording hints that the claims needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

    There is a problem. I recorded the item on my phone which saves the file in m4a format. My Linux PC will not play the recording or convert it to mp3 because of a missing codec. The only guarantee I can make is that it will play on an Android device. I have been Windows free for many years so I have no idea if it will play on that fantastic operating system (-;


    [EDIT by FER: mp3 version of the recording is attached below. The original m4a will play in the standard VLC audio/video player (get VLC here which should also play and convert on Linux, btw). The attached mp3 will play in any audio player of this millennium and many from the last!]

    Attached File:

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