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    Re: Any practical Method to obtain WGS84 Altitudes?
    From: Antoine Couëtte
    Date: 2024 Jun 6, 19:16 -0700

    More details about the LAST point of previous post about the EGM08 Software I downloaded and cannot run:

    I downloaded this "self contained software" from :

    https://earth-info.nga.mil/index.php?dir=wgs84&action=wgs84 " ,

    went to DATA/APPS , then selected and downloaded :

    " EGM 2008 2.5 Minute interpolation Grid (128Mb) Zip archive containing all EGM2008 2.5 Minute Interpolation Grid code and documentation. "

    THIS is the Software I cannot launch and run.

    This software is expected to indicate the height of the Terrestrial Geoid (or very close to it to +/- 2 meters vertically as per the EGM08 model) as a function of given Coordinates (Lat, Lon) referenced to WGS84.

    It should/would exactly perform - just from my laptop itself and without the requirement for an Internet link - the same function as this On-Line Calculator ( https://earth-info.nga.mil/index.php?dir=wgs84&action=egm96-geoid-calc ) which I have used to fill in Column B of this document ( https://navlist.net/imgx/240606-Altitudes-comparison-chart-.pdf ) .

    Again, any help about the procedure to launch this EGM08 program would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance


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