A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Archiving your Celestial Sights
From: Ron Jones
Date: 2019 Sep 12, 11:51 -0700
From: Ron Jones
Date: 2019 Sep 12, 11:51 -0700
I have recently added a Sight Log worksheet to my Celestial Navigation workbook, which provides a method for the user to archive all their celestial sights and also provides an easy to follow six step process for reducing the sights in the Sight Log and plotting the resulting LOPs on a Constant Latitude Scale (CLS) Small Area Plotting Sheet (SAPS) to obtain a fix.
If you have an interest in trying this, Un-Zip the attached file to view the user’s guide “six step process for using the Sight Log worksheet” to accomplish these task. I would also appreciate your suggestions for any improvements to the process.
Ron J