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    Re: Astronomical panorama location and date
    From: Antoine Couëtte
    Date: 2019 May 21, 03:52 -0700

    RE : Astronomical-panorama-location-date-Couëtte-may-2019-g45022

    And by the way, if the big and bright body is Lady Moon (vs. Mr Sun) then the "Planet" can very well be Venus.

    The "Planet" apparent brightness and diameter seem more applicable to Venus than to Jupiter.

    Hence Venus is a more reasonable candidate than Jupiter if the bright body is the Moon.

    In such case we can also see that the Sun is well below the horizon since no apparent dusk or dawn.

    This still remains reasonable and realistic since it can occur when Venus happens to be near maximum elongation. Is angular distance from the Sun can then exceed 40° of arc. And at low latitudes - as earlier observed - the apparent line joining Sun and Venus can sink almost vertically into the horizon.


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