A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Astronomy DLL for .NET: SofaJpl 2.1.2 released
From: Paul Hirose
Date: 2018 Aug 29, 16:44 -0700
From: Paul Hirose
Date: 2018 Aug 29, 16:44 -0700
Version 2.1.2 of my SofaJpl positional astronomy toolbox for the Windows .NET Framework has just been released. It is a set of DLLs an application can call, not an application itself. This release fixes bugs and implements a long term ∆T model recently published. It's backward compatible with any 2.x SofaJpl version. http://home.earthlink.net/~s543t-24dst/SofaJpl_NET/index.html A programmer's installation occupies almost exactly 1 megabyte. However, that doesn't include any JPL solar system ephemeris files. Size is smaller if SofaJpl is included as part of a software product, since some files are needed only during programming. C#, C++, and Visual Basic source code for a demonstration program is online at the site. You need the Visual Studio software development environment to run the program. The free "Community" version should be sufficient. (I use the old free version, Visual Studio Express 2013, probably no longer available.) The demonstration program has a rudimentary user interface — to change time, observer location, or identity of the body you must modify the code — but it generates most of the frequently needed positional data, and it's accurate. If the accuracy setting is increased to one millisecond of arc, the precise reductions to apparent place in The Astronomical Almanac are duplicated within one digit in the last place. Angle display formats of D, DM, and DMS are available. Two lines of code control the precision and format of the whole program. Time display automatically adjusts to a precision commensurate with the angles. The method in the demonstration program is not the only way to accomplish that. My Lunar4 program has selectable precision and format too, but uses a completely different method. Speaking of Lunar4, the download on its page has been updated to include the latest SofaJpl release. This is an interim update; I have more plans for Lunar4. To demonstrate the demonstration program, I present these predictions for the equinox on September 23. (The second line is the formal definition of the equinox.) 01:53:51 UTC 0 declination 01:54:06 UTC 180° ecliptic longitude 01:54:08 UTC 12 h right ascension 01:54:13 UTC 0 geodetic (ITRS) latitude (DE422 ephemeris, IAU 2006 precession and 2000B nutation models, and predicted polar motion X = 0.2052", Y = 0.3394". Delta T is irrelevant here because none of the coordinates is affected by Earth rotation.) Note that JPL's Horizons online calculator won't exactly agree with all my numbers, mainly due to a different precession / nutation model.