A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
Re: Azimuths
From: David Iwancio
Date: 2019 Jul 2, 15:17 -0700
From: David Iwancio
Date: 2019 Jul 2, 15:17 -0700
Except I think you got the order backwards. When Scorpius (with Jupiter) was near my meridian last night Arcuturs was sinking to the west and the Summer Triangle was pointing towards the east. I've just now checked my 2102-D to make sure I wasn't going crazy.
You've basically listed them in order of SHA. Right ascension tells you how long after the Aries point a body crosses your meridian (i.e. "the order in which the stars march around the equator"), but right ascension is the explement (360°-Θ) of SHA.