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    Re: BBC Puzzle for today
    From: Andrew Nikitin
    Date: 2017 Dec 3, 08:03 -0800

    >This year he was staying at his home in the Arctic. When he woke up he walked ten miles south, ten miles east and ten miles north, only to find himself back where he started.

    Specifying "home in the Arctic" is a nice attention to details and some fine journalism there. Less astute would think, "where else could you walk 10 miles south, 10 miles east and 10 miles north, only to find himself where he starter, other than North pole?" and just drop the Arctic mention altogether.

    Let's say, Santa has a vacation property (which is not in the North pole, or even in the Arctic) with the same property: go 10 miles south, 10 east and 10 north, end up where you started.
    Where is it?

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