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    Re: Beating a Dead Horse (aka Worley's Sextant)
    From: Brad Morris
    Date: 2014 Feb 2, 20:55 -0500

    Beats me Tom.  Maybe Frank can let us know ;-)

    On Feb 2, 2014 8:47 PM, "Tom Sult" <tsult@mac.com> wrote:

    Ok. So what is the terminology. Yahoo called them groups. Google,handouts. Some forums. This I think is the "group smarter than me". I'm a simple, mostly sun sight navigator. That's the body I don't have problems with ID. 

    Tom Sult
    Sent from my iPhone

    On Feb 2, 2014, at 17:48, Brad Morris <bradley.r.morris---.com> wrote:


    Don't get too agitated about Frank's reference.  He's on a one man campaign to have us NOT reference ourselves as the "list", even though the name of this group is NavList!  So when you asked that someone on the l**t tell you the Seb Coultard link, Frank launched into his campaign!

    He feels that it makes us sound old fashioned in internet terminology.  I hope that summarizes his argument without prejudice.


    On Feb 2, 2014 2:12 PM, "Tom Sult" <tsult---.com> wrote:

    Thanks Frank. I did that and found it. Yes, I am a Moron. You state it's not "the list". Is that to informal as it is NavList or what is your meaning?

    Tom Sult
    Sent from my iPhone

    On Feb 2, 2014, at 11:19, Frank Reed <FrankReed{at}HistoricalAtlas.com> wrote:

    Tom, easy: google his name, Seb Coulthard.

    PS: It's not "the list".
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