A Community Devoted to the Preservation and Practice of Celestial Navigation and Other Methods of Traditional Wayfinding
From: Stephen N.G. Davies
Date: 2015 Aug 21, 16:23 +0800
c/o Department of Real Estate and Construction
EH103, Eliot Hall
University of Hong Kong
Office: (852) 2219 4089
Mobile: (852) 6683 3754
On 21 Aug, 2015, at 3:57 pm, Gary LaPook <> wrote:If you are ever in Paris go to the Air and Space Museum at le Bourget airport. Saint-Exupére disappeared over the Mediteranean while flying a photo-recon mission near Marsailles during World War Two. Many years they found parts of his plane on the bottom of the ocean including the nose gear and, also, his identification bracelette. These are on display at Le Bourget.
St-Ex. was a French hero and you can see a picture of him on the fifty franc note, attached. These notes make good bookmarks when reading his books.
From: Ed Popko
Date: 2015 Aug 20, 16:28 -0700
Sometimes I simply amaze myself at how dumb I can really be. The "Wind Sand and Stars" thread has been quite interesting and the posting of the pdf much apprecuated as I make my way to Chapter 7 (gosh these pilots had guts).
But the part that amazes me is I just figured out that Antoine de Saint-Exupery is the same author as "The Little Prince", a story I read this to my kids years and years ago.
The mind is an amazing thing. All this stuff sits up there, much of which is in direct contraditions to something stored in some other brain cell, and it's not till you read or write and try to tell a coherent story or make associations that you realize what is missing, is contradictory or complementary.
Edward Popko
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