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    Re: Bubble horizon altitude corrections
    From: Art Leung
    Date: 2024 Oct 16, 09:48 -0700

    David Pike wrote: That's a nice photograph Art.  Without your tripod you'd probably have needed three hands.  I don't suppose Saturn was somewhere behind those shades, or was she hidden in Moonglow?

    The Kollsman instruments are not lightweight things, so even three might have been insufficient.  :-)

    I wasn't specifically looking for Saturn since this time of year the trees block the view of the ecliptic in that general direction.  Moon was just east of those trees.  I have taken a few shots of Saturn this year when she was about where the Moon was.  In a few weeks, I expect Saturn to pop out to the south before my bedtime and that will open up the possibility of also shooting it with a theodolite where the rings stand out.

    -- Art

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