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    Re: Bubble horizon altitude corrections
    From: David Pike
    Date: 2024 Oct 16, 13:36 -0700

    Art Leung you said:  I wasn't specifically looking for Saturn since this time of year the trees block the view of the ecliptic in that general direction.

    I tried to place you on prorobably the 14th from the size of the Moon; the time of the shot; and the azimuth of the moon using 'Navigator' which my PC finds easier to manage than 'Stellarium.  I couldn't help noticing that earlier in the evening Saturn and the Moon were almost on top of each other.  However, whilst out doing my 10,000 steps, I got a good view of the Moon around 19:00UTC, and although they would have been well within a 2
    ° perisextant field of view, I never noticed Saturn.  By 23.50 from N53°10' W 000° 32' they were just outside a 2° field of view. DaveP

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