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    Re: Bubble horizon altitude corrections
    From: David Pike
    Date: 2024 Sep 28, 14:14 -0700

    Thomas K
    Please see attached my working for the Moon bubble sextant shot on 18thSep using the Air Almanac, HO149 Vol3, and using the intercept method.  Last night's photograph was poor, because I was struggling for light, so I’ve taken the photograph again in daylight.  I added UTC after 22:24:41, so there is no doubt over the time of the shot.  In one place, I noted I’d written 57degrees when I meant to write 53, so I’ve corrected that too. 

    I’ve only half finished my Nautical Almanac calculations, so I’ll have to send those later.  The important thing is that you got Ho = 33degrees 09minutes each time which is the important bit.  The intercepts might well end up being different if the AA and NA methods end up needing different assumed positions.  DaveP


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