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    Re: Bubble horizon altitude corrections
    From: David Pike
    Date: 2024 Sep 30, 05:18 -0700

    Please see below my reduction using the Nautical Almanac.  Against my better judgement, I decided to try the Concise Reduction Tables for the first time ever.  These, I eventually realised, work by splitting the celestial triangle into two right celestial triangles. Three hours later I’d re-christened them Brain Reduction Tables, because mine felt as if it had shrunk to the size of a two-year-old walnut.  Zn was coming out fine, but I couldn’t make Hc give me a PL anywhere near that found in my earlier work using HO249/AP3270.  Therefore, I had to revert to the spherical cosine law, which at 81 in November is tantamount to age abuse.  That seemed to work OK and came within the thickness of a 2B pencil of the Air Almanac Method.  I’m determined to get these Concise Reduction Tables working for me, but for the moment, I need to give them a rest. I might even try using one of the apps stored on my phone, which I keep forgetting I've got, as a referee.  DaveP 


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