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    Re: Bubble horizon altitude corrections
    From: Thomas K
    Date: 2024 Sep 26, 11:33 -0700

    david: thanks for the problem. I assume your gmt ( 22+) was corrected for  zd. and your hs with 0 i.e. and 0 dip then is your ha. With the N.A.:  ha: 32.19', main corr: +57.8,' u&l : +7.4' & -15' = ho: 33.09.2'.  with the A.A.: ha: 32.19',  ref. -1.5, P.inA. ( p-524) +  52' = ho: 33.09.5'. that 0.3' accuracy as frank said is terrific. to get an hc to see how tired you were, I went back to the first  work sheet you sent me with a L. 53.10'N. Lo 00.032W. I used the star pilot computer and got an hc: 33.18.1' with an a of 8.8'a. I find my moon intercepts are all away. I stand ready to be corrected. tom

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