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    Bubble sextant patents
    From: Ed Popko
    Date: 2018 Jun 17, 04:09 -0700

    Do any NavListers have any of these bubble sextants that also have patent numbers on them?

    I'm interested in adding dates to the Navigation Chronology and have been unsuccessful in using the U.S. Trademark and Patent Office search to find anything.

    Often, if you have one patent number, that patent will also list related ones to demonstrate the award is not an infringement.

    Sextant, A-10A, Fairchild
    Sextant, Aircraft Periscopic, D-1, Kollsman Instrument Corporation
    Sextant, Brandis, with Willson Bubble Telescope, Early
    Sextant, Bubble, Averaging, AN 5851-1
    Sextant, Bubble, Prototype, National Bureau of Standards for USN, Model 2, S/N#2

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